Today is Sunday, a day in the Christian calendar marked as the Sabbath (Saturday? I always wondered about that), where football, bombing of civilians in Asia and Africa, and Western Consumption to gluttonous extremes continues unabated. But stock markets are closed.
However, since Moslems and Jews are not big on Sundays, they do not have the same restraints on this day. So, I think that it is worth observing that it is without any historic diffidence to Christianity, that the Israeli stock markets decided to lay low on this Sunday, and not open for once. It makes sense. Tomorrow, Monday. could easily be the beginning of the eclipse of the economic system as we know it, the harsh beginning of the Cringing New World, the latest Great Depression in the US, the Chaos and Panic in the EU, the Wide Eyed Wonder and Tutt-tutting in the rest of the world; why let your own national markets plunge, little presumptuous, would you not say? let the economic superpowers take the lead: wait until Monday.
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